Color Changes

Today was interesting. I learned how to change the colors on all of the fonts on this sight.   In my opinion, at the moment they are a bit garish to say the least. The color of this font is a bit bland. These are not permanent colors by any means. I even figured out, accidentally how to change the color of links when the mouse pointer hovers over them.

One of the best parts about learning to do this is that I had just written a note to the CSS forum asking for help. Before submitting it I decided to take one more look at the printed copy of the Stylesheet for this font.  I changed a number in a spot not previously tried. It had the effect of changing the colors of the titles of Pages, Blogroll categories, Blog Stats,  Archives, widget title and Credits.  That was serendipitous learning at its best.

The post to the CSS forum was deleted.


It suddenly dawned on me to search the Mozilla Add-ons page to see if  an old favorite extension had been updated for Firefox 2. To my delight I found Colorzilla right away.  It was easily downloaded and a new background color found for this blog.  I have also taken some time to explore the website belonging to its’ developer Alex Sirota. It has a lot to see and explore. For the present I chose to limit myself to reading the section about Colorzilla.

In the middle of doing this, I took the time to change the background color of this blog using the Colorzilla tool. It looks much better to me and will probably remain here for quite a while.

Changes are taking place slowly here. This is due to time limitations and other commitments.

Firefox Add-ons

While working on the Links after my last post, I realized there was something not said. My family has been using Firefox as its internet browser for a little less than a year. Some of the resources being used to change the appearance of this blog are Firefox Add-ons.  There might be similar tools for other browsers, but I don’t know about them. My hunch is that  Google or another search engine  could locate them if they exist.

More on CSS

This is blog definitely going to be a work in progress for a few weeks.

I am creating a Links Category called: Stylesheet Help. It will contain links to the resources I use as references for making changes in the Stylesheet.

Today’s progress:

  1. Uploaded custom heading
  2. Changed background color

The changes are not permanent, but are fine for now. Some learning has happened and this is good.


I am excited! I have been wanting to try my hand at CSS for the past few months. When my husband asked me what I want for Mother’s Day this year my response was that I wanted to get CSS for this blog. His reply was that it is household. He also said that I should just get it today since it is my day off and I should have time to play with it.

It is now sitting here waiting for me to experiment with it. This will be an adventure.

New Blog

I have re-arranged the way I am blogging. Some older blogs have been deleted and replaced by this one. This one will be updated as time allows.

One of my goals for this blog is to add links to and write articles about favorite places to visit, both on and off line. Because life in my part of the world is busy additions to this blog might only be in the form of additions to  links and other aspects of the side bar.